of the book by J.K. Barbarovich “Our unknown Universe”

(1st publication, Russia, St. Petersburg, “Terzia”, 2001, 121pp., bibl. 32,edition 240 copies)

Here by “Universe” is understood a new philosophical definition of the universe that unites a multitude of various and specific universes into a Unified Form that had been created in immemorial time in Eternity. Its kernel is a Central Divine Universe and as its place for living, evolution and rise serve local universes of Time which only the inhabited ones amount about 700 000.

The book handles the questions of creation processes of “primary specks of dust of the universe”, of the Chaos, nebulas, constellations, local universes and the worlds in them and also the Life of every life from the fore-energy which comes to the Central Universe from an Outside powerful Source, and also the processes of structure functioning and their organizational subdivisions.

Questions are examined concerning physical organization and functioning of the Unified Energy-Matter of the Universe which is developed from the Fore-Energy – Taheon Fire and Its Light; the formation of its multiple substantial and functional forms and sorts starting with the simplest plasma-fire structure through the atoms of the dense worlds. Also is examined the functioning of the gravitational fields systems and of the Gravitations (acceleration of the attraction) in the whole Universe; the origin and the conjectural organization of the “physical vacuum”, of the primary and secondary torsion plasma fields; the origin, organization and application of the contraterrene matters etc.

The primary Energy-Matter of the Universe creates the Matter and Space in the universes of Time by complicating in an organized way of elementary particles of “non”-plasma until they become corpuscular. Our Earth is just one out of a milliard other inhabited planets.

Here is examined the system of delivery and spreading of substantial energy -Time from Central Universe to the planets to maintain life on the planets. The book shows the ways of transformation of substantial energy - Time into a functional one and the ways of conversion of the United Energy in the True Man into one of the forms of psychical energy.

The narration is about the organization of the Forth Dimension of Earth which is closely connected with the mechanism of its local gravitation. In the Universe that we are examining exist both the gravitation as well as the anti-gravitation that is the mutual repulsion of structures.

Examples are given of using the Primary Energy of the Universe by the Nature of Earth and the ancient mankind that keep working till our days. The author proposes the organization of industrial collection and accumulation of the energy of the Sunlight instead of burning the carbon fuel.

In the separate (forth) issue: “Supplement” it is supposed to offer:

Many other questions are not examined here due to the lack of white space. The main sources of information used by the author (the books of Naumkin "Kalagia" or "The teaching of supreme mind" and the book "Synergetics") exist only in russia and in Russian language and in principle it is not possible to translate them entirely into other languages, as they contain at the same time several layers of secret knowledge, that penetrate through each other.

Also the new physical notions turned out to be untranslatable because they don't have analogues in the languages of Earth. The texts of our issues of the book may be translated into other languages with author's advice. Some brief information concerning the book may be read in Internet ( in the column "Alternative knowledge".

The book "Our Universe" may be sold to other countries so far in Russian only. Its price is about 40$ for private persons. The correspondence is possible through the same site ( ). The customer bears all expenses concerning the consignment of the books. The second (illustrated) issue of the book is planned to appear in September 2001.




Candidate of technical science__________________(J.K. Barbarovich)

07.07.01; 12.12.01


Note: the original text is in Russian, while the translations could have inaccuracies.




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