International Academy (ICCIA), January 2004
Information and Informatiology
(V. Belfor, doctor of Science and Engineering, ICCIA academician)
Distinct understanding that information is not only a measure of uncertainty has been formed to the beginning of XXI century. Information measure introduced by Claude Shannon as entropy, concerns only authenticity of the received composition of technical signals, which provide transfer of information. However, is it the only way to receive information?
If you understand information not only as a content of some message received through different communication channels, but a knowledge itself, sense of objects, occurrences and relations, it becomes possible to pick out three sources of receiving this knowledge by a person.
According to V. Sergeyev the following sources are: heredity, upbringing – education – experience exchange inside society and Universe, individual work of a person. Taking into account small corrections in names (for example replacement “society” to “population”), all this can be referred to any representative of live nature world.
Let’s return to a human. Unconditioned reflexes, mostly character, as well as person’s inclination (activities and predisposition for diseases) definitely belong to a genetic source. Forming of conditioned reflexes, getting knowledge and skills for life in the society form a product of a second information source. A person uses this source all his life correcting his evaluations “ in connection with new circumstances”. And finally, an individual’s inner intellectual work can be the only way of the realization of an exclusive attribute of information to create new information.
Informatiology is considered to be a science about receiving, preservation and transportation of information for a great number of objects. Putting aside discussions about belonging of stones and the Earth itself to live organisms, we give some examples of informatiology achievements in different spheres. Repyev’s “power-information theory of heredity, mutability and shape formation” confirms that rather clearly. The way of transferring information to plant founded by Repyev in the frames of the second way of getting information has led to impressive results. T. Ermakova working not only at plants but also at animals, especially cattle, successfully uses Exchange of experience (information) between representatives of society and population based on Repyev’s theory.
“Interaction philosophy” of A. Jesuitov can be considered in the same way. One of its main theses says that mutual understanding among people and reduction of their confrontation and antagonism can be achieved only through interaction and exchange of information about material and spiritual world. E. Borovkov and V. Sergeyev analyze information received from cosmos. I. Goryachko’s “Rule of unity of micro and macro nature functioning” is a clear example of individual intellectual work.
Systems and processes with their power-information structure and interactions on quantum level are objects of study in new Astrobiology group trends founded by S. Repyev, E. Borovkov and others.
Psychologists and neurophysiologists also study mechanisms of producing new information in the brain from their special positions. According to new physical theories (for example, G. Shipov) the brain is a receptacle of some quantity of torsion fields running through whole Universe and constantly interacting between each other. Obviously, people differ from each other mostly for quantity and content of these fields. If informatiologists and neurophysiologists manage to find a way to measure these brain parameters, it may lead to mass “production” of talented and even genius people. Besides that it can cure a great number of diseases having roots in cerebral hemispheres.
Physicians have achieved appreciable results using preparations and technologies with power-information as the main component. We mean “Vitamed” (J. Galtsev and others) and directional transport medicines based on fullerens and passive garmonizators (I. Serov and V. Muromtsev) and some others.
By today information receipt, collecting and exchange of technical and hand-made objects and systems are the most worked out sphere. Great attention is paid to these questions in automate theory, control and communication theory, theory of image identification and taking decisions, as well as in many technical supplements.A wide specter of spheres using informatiology methods hampers fixing of general measure, a unit of information as a sum, a general volume of knowledge. We expect such kind of unit to appear in the nearest future. The pledge is a work of S. Repyev’s school scientists, and perhaps this unit will be called 1 Rep!
Printed according the speech at the First International Repyev’s Readings,
May 14-15, 2003, St. Petersburg.
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